17 September 2007


Usually I take pictures as a way to kill time and amuse myself, but this Sunday I actually forgot to take pictures when Mr. Left and I were invited to go to a weinfest (winefest) in the village of Malsch, which is about 25 minutes from Heidelberg. This is the time of year when all the winemakers harvest their grapes and everyone parties more than usual. We were invited by a German colleague, Bern, who is also a winemaker in Malsch. Between Bern and his cousin, who jointly own a vineyard, they have won a silver and nine gold medals for their wine.

Upon arriving in Malsch, we all got out of the car and walked to the venue. It really couldn't have been more fairytale-like: walking through orchards of ripe apples, pears and plums in the middle of this small, sort of empty town, then out of nowhere there are tons of cars and bicycles parked ever-so-precisely, and there is loud oom-pa-pa music coming from the tent. Winefest! Under the tents everyone was crammed into tables and benches drinking and eating and having a great time singing. I got a glass of last year's Muller Thurgau, which is a white wine--very good. Then I got a glass of Grauburgunder, which reminded me of fresh cut grass, so much so I started to sneeze. Lots of food, including learning that Schweinaxe is pig neck. My German classes came in handy on that one!

Afterwards, we walked back to the car at Bern's house where he gave each of us a bottle of his own wine that he had made. We opened it tonight. Quite literally the best red wine we have ever had. Ever. I will just have to savor it for you and have you take my word on it.


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